Em moc avant i enrera de forma
incesant, omplo l'espai de contingut, faig mil combinacions, mesclant
absurditats amb eloqüències, grans planificacions i babia.
Qui m'ho hagués dit a mi que em
trobaria amb sorpreses, després de tant temps fent i desfent al meu
gust, és a dir... sempre acció a dintre el cap, sempre acció.
I veig, veig els efectes de
l'observador no només en mi, sinó en el cos. M'adono!, les
entrecelles es relaxen, els muscles baixen, la respiració és torna
fluida, els dits estan relaxants, la boca també afluixa; un efecte
general de soltar tensió, de fluidesa, apertura i calma. M'agrada,
no creguis que no!
M'agrada el descans sobtat quan
m'aturo, sentir com recupero un cert benestar i energia. Però miro
amb atenció..., què pretendrà l'observador amb la meva calma?,
estic aturada, i??, què passara?, quan?, per a què?
Montserrat Reverté
Go backward or forward until the end of time, this is my momentum.
I move forward and backward in a incesant fill the content area, I do a thousand combinations, mixing absurdities eloquently, great planning and Babia.
I, who exist, active mind ... I did not know that there is an observer. Yes, there is an observer who occasionally appears at me and says: "It's the past," "present to you now," "I thank you for seeking good, but you need to calm" or "I need you now."
Who would have said to me that I would find myself surprised, after so long as I'm up and down, that is ... Action always inside your head, always action.
I see, I see the effects of the observer not only in me but in the body. I realize!, The eyebrows are relaxed, shoulders down, the breath is flowing again, fingers are relaxing and also loosens the mouth, a general effect of releasing tension, fluidity, openness and calm. I like it, don't believe I don't like it!
I like the sudden break, when I stand, feel like some welfare recovery and energy. But look carefully ... what the observer pretend with my calm?, I stopped, and?, What will happen? When?, Why?
Go backward or forward until the end of time, this is my momentum.
I move forward and backward in a incesant fill the content area, I do a thousand combinations, mixing absurdities eloquently, great planning and Babia.
I, who exist, active mind ... I did not know that there is an observer. Yes, there is an observer who occasionally appears at me and says: "It's the past," "present to you now," "I thank you for seeking good, but you need to calm" or "I need you now."
Who would have said to me that I would find myself surprised, after so long as I'm up and down, that is ... Action always inside your head, always action.
I see, I see the effects of the observer not only in me but in the body. I realize!, The eyebrows are relaxed, shoulders down, the breath is flowing again, fingers are relaxing and also loosens the mouth, a general effect of releasing tension, fluidity, openness and calm. I like it, don't believe I don't like it!
I like the sudden break, when I stand, feel like some welfare recovery and energy. But look carefully ... what the observer pretend with my calm?, I stopped, and?, What will happen? When?, Why?
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