
diumenge, 18 de novembre del 2012

Les emocions

Colage de Mariona

Al cor guardem tot tipus d'emocions, ni ha de joioses, alegres i d'altres plenes de soletat, tristesa, rabia.

Totes formen part de la nostra vida, totes son viscudes per tothom, som iguals.

Venim al món a experimentar i a ser responsables de les nostres experimentacions. 
Les emocions que emanen de dintre, busquen ser reconegudes i alliberades. No cal guardar-les per sempre, cosificar-les, personalitzar o fixar, quedar-nos fixats.
Sentir i alliberar... i seguir endavant.
Com podem alliberar?
Cadascú troba la seva millor manera.
A mi em va bé ballar i pintar,
ballar-les i pintar-les.

In the heart keep all kinds of emotions, from joy and happiness there, and others full of loneliness, sadness and anger.
All are part of our life, all are experienced by all, we are equal.

We come into the world to experience and be responsible for our experiments.
The emotions that come from within, they seek to be recognized and liberate.

You do not save them forever, reify, customize or fix, stay fixed.

Feel and liberate ... and move forward.
How we can liberate it?

Each person finds his best.

I really do well dancing and painting,
painting and dance them.

Montserrat Reverté

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